从事水污染控制理论和技术研究,包括高级氧化/还原/消毒技术等。发表SCI论文26篇,3篇论文入选ESI高被引论文,按Web of Science核心合集(SCIE)统计数据,SCI他引超过2300次,单篇最高他引超过400次,H-index 21;目前已主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后科学基金特别资助等6个项目。
2009.09 – 2013.06 中山大学,环境科学,理学学士
2013.09 – 2018.06 中山大学,环境工程,工学博士 (导师:方晶云教授,孟凡刚教授)
2018.09 – 2021.06 中山大学,环境科学与工程学院,博士后 (合作导师,仇荣亮教授)
2021.09 – 2023.07 北京师范大学,珠海校区,自然科学高等研究院-水科学研究中心,特聘副研究员
2023.07 – 至今 北京师范大学,珠海校区,自然科学高等研究院-水科学研究中心,副教授
1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,E080401/51908564,基于多种自由基协同氧化的VUV/UV/过硫酸盐体系降解水中微污染物的机理,2020.01-2022.12,27万,主持
2. 中国博士后科学基金第13批特别资助项目(站中),氧化与还原活性物种共存的VUV/UV/氯胺体系对微污染物的降解效能和机理,2020T130750,2020.10-2022.10, 18万,主持
3. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目,2019M653178,新型真空紫外/氯高级氧化体系对水中抗生素的控制机制,2019.05-2021.05, 8万,主持
4. 中央高校基本科研业务费–中山大学青年教师培育项目,19lgpy161,基于过硫酸盐提高还原活性物质利用率的高级氧化体系及其对水中新兴污染物的控制机理,2019.10-2022.10,15万,主持
5. 北京师范大学珠海校区青年英才工程科研启动费, 2021.09-2024.08,50万,主持
1. 国家重点研发计划项目,场地土壤污染成因与治理技术专项,SQ2020YFC180047, 有色金属采选冶聚集区遗留污染场地生物修复技术,2021.01-2024.12,4800万,课题骨干
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,B070302/21677181,典型高级氧化体系中含氯自由基的生成转化规律及其降解PPCPs的机理,2017.01-2020.12,66万,参与
3. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,21707174新型太阳光/氯体系中自由基和臭氧对除草剂的转化规律和机理,2018.01-2020.12,28万,参与
4. 中央高校基本科研业务费中山大学青年教师重点培育项目,水污染控制中卤素自由基的生成转化规律和应用,17lgzd21,2017.05-2018.12,30万,参与
5. “广东省特支计划”广东省科技创新青年拔尖人才项目,2015TQ01Z552,2016.06-2019.05,30万,参与
6. 广州市科技创新委员会科学研究专项,201605131440432,新型紫外/氯高级氧化体系对饮用水中典型抗生素的控制机制和调控,2017.05-2019.12,20万,参与
7. 江门市城市环境污染治理专项,江门市江海区马鬃沙河水环境提升及水质达标治理方案,2021.12-2023.12, 70万,参与
Wu, Z., Yang, Y.*, Ling, L.* Detecting disinfection byproducts and understanding their formation mechanisms using isotopic analysis. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2024, 175, 117717.
Guo, K.#, Wu, Z.#, Chen, C., Fang, J.* UV/Chlorine Process: An efficient advanced oxidation process with multiple radicals and functions in water treatment. Accounts of Chemical Research, 2022, 55, 286–297. (ESI高被引论文,他引次数114)
Chen, C.#, Wu, Z.#, Hou, S., Wang, A., Fang, J.* Transformation of gemfibrozil by the interaction of chloride with sulfate radicals: Radical chemistry, transient intermediates and pathways. Water Research, 2021, 209, 117944.(他引次数: 19)
Wu, Z., Shang. C., Wang, D., Zheng, S., Wang, Y., Fang, J.* Rapid degradation of dichloroacetonitrile by hydrated electron (eaq–) produced in vacuum ultraviolet photolysis. Chemosphere, 2020. 256, 126994. (他引次数: 22)
Wu, Z.#, Chen, C.#, Zhu, B., Huang, C., An, T., Meng, F., Fang, J.* Reactive nitrogen species are also involved in the transformation of micropollutants by the UV/monochloramine process. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53, 11142-11152. (他引次数: 119)
Pan, M.#, Wu, Z.#, Tang, C., Guo, K., Cao, Y., Fang, J.* Emerging investigators series: comparative study of naproxen degradation by the UV/chlorine and the UV/H2O2 advanced oxidation processes. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. 2018, 4, 1219-1230. (他引次数: 43)
Wu, Z., Guo, K., Fang, J*., Yang, X., Xiao, H., Hou, S., Kong, X., Shang, C., Yang, X., Meng, F. Chen, L. Factors affecting the roles of reactive species in the degradation of micropollutants by the UV/chlorine process. Water Research, 2017, 126, 351-360. (ESI高被引论文,他引次数249)
Wu, Z., Fang, J.*, Xiang, Y., Shang, C., Li, X., Meng, F., Yang, X. Roles of reactive chlorine species in trimethoprim degradation in the UV/chlorine process: Kinetics and transformation pathways. Water Research, 2016, 104, 272-282. (ESI高被引论文,他引次数262)
Zheng, S., Ji, H., Qin, W., Chen, C. Wu, Z., Guo, K., Wei, W., Guo, W., Fang, J.*, Xiang, Y., Li, X., Meng, F., Yang, X. Production of reactive species during UV photolysis of chlorite for the transformation of micropollutants in simulated drinking water. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 470: 144076
Ahmad, M.; Adeel, M.; Shakoor, N.; Javed, R.; Ishfaq, M.; Peng, Y.; Zain, M.; Azeem, I.; Ali, I.; Usman, M.; Wu, Z.; Gohari, G.; Xu, M.; Rui, Y.; Zhang, Z.; White, JC.; Deng, X. Modifying engineered nanomaterials to produce next generation agents for environmental remediation. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 894,164861.
Chen, C., Wu, Z., Hua, Z., Guo, K., Zhou, Y., Wang, D., Xia, B. Fang, J.* Mechanistic and kinetic understanding of micropollutant degradation by the UV/NH2Cl process in simulated drinking water. Water Research, 2021, 204: 117569.
Zhang, Z., Zhou, Y., Han, L., Guo, X., Wu, Z., Fang, J., Hou, B., Cai, Y., Jiang, J. Yang, Z.* Impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on
the aquatic environment associated with disinfection byproducts and pharmaceuticals. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 151409.
Wang, A., Hua, Z., Wu, Z., Chen, C., Hou, S., Huang, B., Wang, Y., Wang, D., Li, X., Li, C., Fang, J.* Insights into the effects of bromide at fresh water levels on the radical chemistry in the UV/peroxydisulfate process. Water Research, 2021, 197:117042.
Chen, C., Wu, Z., Zheng, S., Wang L., Niu, X., Fang, J.* Comparative study for interactions of sulfate radical and hydroxyl radical with phenol in the presence of nitrite. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54, 8455-8463.
Cheng, Z., Ling, L., Wu, Z., Fang, J., Westerhoff, P., Shang, C. Novel visible light-driven photocatalytic chlorine activation process for carbamazepine degradation in drinking water. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54: 11584-11593.
Zhang, X., Guo, K., Wang, Y., Qin, Q., Yuan, Z., He, J., Chen, C., Wu, Z., Fang, J.* Roles of bromine radicals, HOBr and Br2– in the transformation of flumequine by the UV/chlorine process in the presence of bromide. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020, 400: 125222.
Guo, K., Zheng, S. Zhang, X., Zhao, L., Ji, S., Chen, C., Wu, Z., Wang, D., Fang, J.* Roles of bromine radicals and hydroxyl radicals in the degradation of micropollutants by the UV/bromine process. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54:6415-6426.
Kong, X., Wang, L., Wu, Z., Zeng, F., Sun, H., Guo, K., Hua, Z., Fang, J.* Solar irradiation combined with chlorine can detoxify herbicides. Water Research, 2020, 177, 115784.
Zhou, Y.#, Chen, C.#, Guo, K., Wu, Z., Wang, L., Hua, Z., Fang, J.* Kinetics and pathways of the degradation of PPCPs by carbonate radicals in advanced oxidation processes. Water Research, 2020, 185, 116231.
Hua, Z., Guo, K., Kong, X., Lin, S., Wu, Z., Wang, L., Huang, H. and Fang, J.* PPCP degradation and DBP formation in the solar/free chlorine system: Effects of pH and dissolved oxygen. Water Research, 2019, 150, 77-85.
Wang, L., Fang, J.*, Zhang, X., Xu, B., Kong, X, Wu, Z., Hua, Z, Ren, Z, Guo, K. Feasibility of the solar/chlorine treatment for lipid regulator degradation in simulated and real waters: The oxidation chemistry and affecting factors. Chemosphere, 2019, 226, 123-131.
Guo, K., Wu, Z., Yan, S., Yao, B., Song, W., Hua, Z., Zhang, X., Kong, X., Li, X., Fang, J.* Comparison of the UV/chlorine and UV/H2O2 processes in the degradation of PPCPs in simulated drinking water and wastewater: Kinetics, radical mechanism and energy requirements. Water Research. 2018, 147, 184-194.
Kong, X., Wu, Z., Ren, Z., Guo, K., Hou, S., Hua, Z., Li, X., Fang, J.* Degradation of lipid regulators by the UV/chlorine process: Radical mechanisms, chlorine oxide radical (ClO•)-mediated transformation pathways and toxicity changes. Water Research, 2018, 137, 242-250.
Li, A., Wu, Z., Wang, T., Hou, S., Huang, B., Kong, X., Li, X., Guan, Y., Qiu, R., Fang, J.* Kinetics and mechanisms of the degradation of PPCPs by zero-valent iron (Fe0) activated peroxydisulfate (PDS) system in groundwater. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 357, 207-216.
Guo, K., Wu, Z., Shang, C., Yao, B., Hou, S., Yang, X., Song, W., Fang, J.* Radical chemistry and structural relationships of PPCP degradation by UV/chlorine treatment in simulated drinking water. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017, 51, 10431-10439. (ESI高被引论文,他引次数414)
Wu, Y., Wu, Z., Huang, X., Simonnot, M., Zhang, T., Qiu, R*. Synergistical enhancement by Ni2+ and Tween-80 of nanoscale zerovalent iron dechlorination of 2,2′,5,5′-tetrachlorinated biphenylin aqueous solution. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22, 555-564.
李冰, 庄严, 吴梓昊, 马宏源,潘宇,梅泽民,王佐成*. 水液相环境下羟自由基抽对异丙基苯基氢诱导布洛芬损伤的机理. 中山大学学报:自然科学版, 2020, 4:24-32.
张雪娇、刘芳、吴梓昊、徐锐英、马宏源、杨晓翠、王佐成*. 丙氨酸Mg~(2+)配合物的手性转变机理水分子(簇)的作用及水溶剂效应. 中山大学学报:自然科学版 2020, 59:162-174.
Guo, K.#, Wu, Z.#, Fang, J.* Chapter 10: UV-based advanced oxidation process for the treatment of pharmaceuticals and personal care products. In: Hernández-Maldonado, A. J.; Blaney, L. Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Water and Wastewater, Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier, 2019, 367-408, eBook ISBN: 9780128135624.
李天鹏,孙婷婷,吴梓昊(副主编)《基于水环境污染的污水处理技术研究》2023,延边大学出版社, ISBN 978-7-230-03679-5.
# 代表共同第一作者
Wu, Z., Guo, K., Kong, X., Fang, J.*. Factors affecting the roles of reactive species in the degradation of micropollutants by the UV/chlorine process. 256th National Meeting and Exposition of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS) – Nanoscience, Nanotechnology and Beyond, Boston, 2018.8.19-23. (Poster)
Wu, Z., Guo, K., Shang, C., Fang, J.* Reactive chlorine species significantly contributes to the degradation of trimethoprim in the UV/chlorine process. 253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, 2017.4.2-6. (Oral)
Wu, Z., Pan, M., Fang, J.* Degradation of micropollutants by the UV/chlorine advanced oxidation process. The 13th National Conference on Water Treatment Chemistry, Nanjing. 2016.4.22-24. (Poster)
Wu, Z., Pan, M., Fang, J.* Kinetics and mechanisms of trimethoprim by the UV/chlorine advanced oxidation process. The 8th National Conference on Environmental Chemistry, Guangzhou, 2015.11.6-9. (Oral)
Wu, Z., Guo, K., Fang, J.* Contributions of reactive chlorine species to the degradation of micropollutants by UV/chlorine in different water matrix. The 8th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition. Hong Kong, 2019.10.31-11.3. (Poster)
Wu, Z., Guo, K., Fang, J.* Radical mechanisms of the degradation of micropollutants by the novel UV/chlorine process. The 14th National Conference on Water Treatment Chemistry, Shanghai. 2018.5.9-11. (Poster)
Wu, Z., Chen, J., Fang, J.* Optimization of heavy metal monitoring points and identification of pollution source in the watersheds of Dabaoshan mining area. Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences, Chengdu, 2014.8.22. (Poster)
Guo, K., Wu, Z., Yao, b., Song, W., Shang, C., Fang, J.* Comparison of the kinetics of the UV/chlorine and the UV/H2O2 processes in the degradation of PPCPs in simulated water and real water. 253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, 2017.4.2-6. (Oral)
Fang, J.*, Guo, K., Wu, Z., Ren, Z., Pan, M., Shang, C. Radical chemistry of the UV/chlorine process on the degradation of micropollutants in water treatment. 253rd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, 2017.4.2-6. (Oral)
Guo, K., Wu, Z., Kong, X., Fang, J.* Radical mechanisms of micropollutants degradation by the UV/chlorine process, The 15th IWA leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies. Nanjing, 2018. 5.27-31. (Oral)
Kong, X., Wu, Z., Hou, S., Guo, K., Fang, J.* Transformation pathway of lipid regulator by ClO* and the toxicity changes. 256th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition. Boston, 2018.8.19-23 (Oral)
Fang, J.*, Zou, S., Wang, T., Hou, S., Wu, Z. Assessment of the UV/persulfate process with respect on oxidation/disinfection by-products formation. The 6th IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition. Beijing, 2015.9.20 (Oral)
Fang, J.*, Xiang, Y., Wu, Z. Kinetic and mechanistic considerations of the degradation of trimethoprim and ibuprofen by the UV/chlorine process. 248th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, San Francisco, 2014.8.12 (Oral)
Guo, K., Wu, Z., Fang, J.* Roles of halogen radicals in PPCP degradation in the UV/chlorine process. The 14th national conference on water treatment chemistry, Shanghai. 2018.5.9-11. (Poster)
Liu, J., Wu, Z., Fang, J.* Kinetic of odor compound degradation by the UV/chlorine advanced oxidation process. Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences, Shenzhen, 2015.8.6. (Oral)
1. 方晶云,仇荣亮,陈建耀,吴梓昊,邹士倩,一种强化零价铁除砷的水处理方法. 中国发明专利,授权号:ZL 2013 1 0315731.0.
2. 方晶云; 华哲超; 张金松; 吴梓昊; 侯少东,一种基于ABTS的二氧化氯和亚氯酸盐快速分析方法,中国发明专利,公开号:CN107036991A.
3. 方晶云; 潘明玮; 崔永琳; 吴梓昊; 郭凯恒; 侯少东; 任自然, 一种紫外光和自由氯联用降低水质综合毒性的方法, 中国发明专利,公开号:CN106082390A.
4. 吴梓昊; 王圣瑞; 赵新锋; 甘文慧; 蔡馨蕊; 马旋智, 一种环境科学用的新污染物检测设备, 中国发明专利,公开号:CN 115656459 A
5. Zihao WU; Shengrui WANG; Xinfeng ZHAO; Wenhui GAN; Xinrui CAI; Xuanzhi MA,NEW POLLUTANT DETECTION EQUIPMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, United States Patent, 18/518, 125
Guest Editor, Water | Special Issue : Water and Wastewater Treatment: Latest Advances and Prospects (mdpi.com)
Guest Editor, Water | Special Issue : Analytical Methodology, Environmental Behavior and Risk Assessment of New Organic Pollutants (mdpi.com) (This special issue is now open for submission)
Special Issue Information
Dear Colleagues,
A global rise in population and increased urbanization have resulted in growing pressure on freshwater resources. Known and unknown organic pollutants have exacerbated water stress and water risk throughout the world. Furthermore, their transformation products are potentially harmful to the environment. A good understanding of the cause, fate and hazards of these new organic pollutants should be considered as part of the sustainable solution to the ongoing water crisis. Improving sensitive analytical methods is vital to accurately measuring these pollutants’ levels in various water matrices. Global research focusing on the prevention and treatment of organic pollution is ongoing, particularly studies on improving water monitoring, non-target screening, the use of mathematical and machine learning modeling for source identification or pollution prediction and the assessment of ecological and health risk.
The present Special Issue intends to bring together recent research exploring the potential of advanced technologies for the analysis and assessment of new organic pollutants. Fundamental and applied research covering multidisciplinary topics, as well as review papers focusing on relevant topics, are welcome. Topics of interest includes, but are not limited to, the following:
♦Analysis and the fate of emerging contaminants.
♦ Source identification of new organic pollutants.
♦ Occurrence of new organic pollutants in non-conventional water resources (e.g., rainwater and seawater).
♦ Mathematical and machine learning modeling.
♦ Applications of deep learning techniques in new organic pollutant monitoring and predictions.
♦ Ecological and health risk
♦ (Eco)toxicity assessment of new organic pollutants.
♦ Targeted strategies for the management and prevention of pollution.
♦ Engineering applications of innovative water treatments.
Dr. Zihao Wu
Dr. Zhechao Hua
Guest Editors